#watched: #AmericanGods (S1 Ep.1-2) #SPOILERS


I don’t know how accurately to describe AMERICAN GODS, even after watching two episodes of the first season (out of 8 eps), without holding back the outpour of adoration I have for this blood-fueled “adult rated” series on STARZ, which exhilarates with the deep contrast in decayed colors, and layers of shadows and of stories behind-the-shadows, and the richness of history within the crevices of each skin-fold and furrowed brow, sprinkled with liberal doses of pagan symbolism and imagery saturated with a tainted neon rainbow.

Ending Sunday night with #AmericanGods S1E2

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(Above screen-snap from opening credit)

West coast, are you ready for #americangods Sunday Bloody Funday

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(Below scene from Ep.2, but not actual subtitles :p)

Tired of watching slave movies? Of course you are. #americangods has the answer according to my Dad.

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As delicious as a human-devouring-varginas might be (I suspect), with tons of condiments to come, titillating thy tastebuds of non-familiar TV. But to be fair, we’ve seen simailarisque genre pieces thru recent years … concepts and conditions of the hereafters and the notion of “gods” and “devils” in recent media, such as “Preacher” and “Lucifer”, and even “Constantine” - versus the “supernatural” with vampires and werewolves … of course I dod not mention undead animated zombies, but because …. nah, that’ll be giving it away, innit?


… but American Gods manages to keep the “suspense” going, with slivers of information and characters revealed, one at a time … the irony is, we “know” they are “gods” because we’ve read/watched-on-youtube explaining WHO and WHAT they are, even before watching the episodes, hence the level of scepticism might already have been buffered somewhat … so the “discovery” of WHO is not necessarily as important as soaking up the visuals and letting the story play out, IMHO.

When Shadow Moon is released from prison, he meets the mysterious Mr. Wednesday and a storm begins to brew. Little does Shadow know, this storm will change the course of his entire life. Left adrift by the recent, tragic death of his wife, and suddenly hired as Mr. Wednesday’s bodyguard, Shadow finds himself in the center of a world that he struggles to understand. It’s a world where magic is real, where the Old Gods fear both irrelevance and the growing power of the New Gods, like Technology and Media. Mr. Wednesday seeks to build a coalition of Old Gods to defend their existence in this new America, and reclaim some of the influence that they’ve lost. As Shadow travels across the country with Mr. Wednesday, he struggles to accept this new reality, and his place in it."

The series ad implores you to “Believe” … and we go along with Shadow Moon, to eventually grasp, understand and believe what he is seeing and going through, as we are watching thru his eyes and mind.

And for that, I cannot wait for the next episode, and the next, and maybe the next, and hopefully the next after that, until the credits roll and I clench my fists for more blood to be split. That, and the immortal question; ”Who said I died, puppy?”

#subtitlesdontlie #dothey? Watching #AmericanGods #iliketeevee

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Watch AMERICAN GODS on www.starz.com. STARZ is the exclusive broadcaster of “American Gods” in the US, with new episodes every Sunday on STARZ and the STARZ app. Each episode becomes available internationally on Amazon Prime the day after the U.S. broadcast.

I have been trying to find an “official” rating for this series (so I can link here) but am finding it harder than expected LOL … Just know that there are PLENTY of blood-spilt, dismembered limbs, sexual positions and overt sexual actions (no penetration, sort of…), bare breasts, crotch shots and penis (in Ep.2). So yeah, NOT FOR UNDERAGED PEOPLE, people!
