WHAT-IS: "This HBO Asia Original series follows Xiao Zhen, a 16-year-old girl born with the ability to see spirits. As Xiao Zhen uses her power to help the living deal with their loved ones on the other side, she must also juggle the pressures of teenage life with the demands of the spirit world." ( / Below stills via)

Directed by Chen Ho Yu (陳和榆), Season One will consist of 6 episodes, and stars Kuo Shu Yau (郭書瑤), Kent Tsai (蔡凡熙), Nana Lee (李千娜), Chen Mu Yi (陳慕義), Alina Cheng (鄭茵聲), Michael Huang (黃仲崑) and Sylvia Hsieh (謝翔雅)

“The Teenage Psychic 通靈少女” premieres Sunday April 02, 10pm on HBO/HBO HD.

The Teenage Psychic

From the Taiwanese news-cast featured above, it mentions that the program will retain it’s “Min Nan / 閩南語” language - which in Singapore context is basically the “Hokkien” Chinese dialect, and would be interesting to see it go forth and not be dubbed over locally here, as SG used to have quite a strict on-air policy to NOT have dialects heard … but then again, with "吃饱没” / “Have You Eaten”, the rules have been somewhat “re-written”, perhaps? Which is fine by me, I insist!

PLOT: "Xiao Zhen is a 16-year-old girl who just wants to lead a typical teenage high school life. But, born with the ability to see spirits, her life will never be normal. She must juggle the pressures of teenage life – first love, academic success and peer pressure – with the demands of the spirit world. As Xiao Zhen learns to use her abilities to help the living deal with their loved ones on the other side – spirits who are lost, forgotten, angry or just crying out for help – this teenager finds that fixing other people’s problems gives her the strength she needs to navigate high school and her first major romantic encounter. But Xiao Zhen’s powers become a danger for her as others seek to use her abilities for their own greed." (TheTeenagePsychicHBO)
